Dear Brain,
Why have you shut down? Did I do something to offend you? Please come back, I really could use your assistance.
Love, Me
Tis true, he left me. Or she. Wait a second, brains don’t have genders! Or do they…?
ANYHOO, today I wrote an essay on Reality Television. As most of you know, I adore essays, especially when I’m writing them to practice for the SATs. Woah, that last sentence totally made me sound like a smart brainy kind of girl! This is a *LIE*. I am not “brainy” by any means, I just happen to enjoy writing. I do like to pride myself though, of being a straight B’s student with the occasional A thrown in. This said essay, actually came out pretty good after some research, and taught me a lot. Basically there are two sides. Either you love reality T.V. or you hate it. There is no middle. Except for me!! I mean, I hate most of the dumb things they put on T.V, especially reality T.V. But I am known to be a big fan of Survivor, The Amazing Race, Top Chef, and even The Apprentice. Am I a bad person? I shall answer this no. But why is my gut feeling so guilty….
Tonight’s CLEAR is at the Johnson’s house for movie night. Hopefully I can go! There’s nothing else really to report here on the farm. Same old, same old.
Next time on DairyQueenCarly: Popularity.