Thursday, May 19, 2011

Purple Blog Party

Where to start??
Prom. Yeah, I'll definitely start with that. My brother and my best friend went together, and supposedly had a blast! :D Not going to go in tons of detail, but I'm totally going next year.
Sunday Awesomeness. After church, the Sills (sweetest people ever from church), the Maddens, and the Sherwoods went to the Chinese Buffet in town. Which as you know, is my favorite place to eat. Then, my besties and I went fishing where we caught eight fish. Sounds small but we only went for an hour or so! Then we went to see the movie Soul Surfer with the family. It was really good, I thought. Good story, good moral, overall cute movie.

Yesterday we had CLEAR, and it was tons of fun. We played some sports, games, ate food, etc. Today I had Spanish and mom and Emma went to the Leslie's to meet with people and do...stuff. I opted out because I have things to do :P
Now I'm bored and trying real hard to come up a super topic to post about. Ok, here goes a list for a super cool blog party at My Mismatched Life.
  • Favorite thing about summer? The sun!
  • Twilight fan? NO
  • Favorite quote? Last night I lay in bed looking at the stars, and I thought to myself where the heck is the ceiling?
  • Best thing that has ever happened to you? When Christ became my Savior!
  • Think of every place in the world possible... which of those places would you go to? Ah, Rome, Italy, Venice, France, etc etc etc
  • Favorite food? Spaghetti and Meatballs :P
  • What type of music do you like? Country, and Christian Rap
  • Flipflops, bare feet, heels, or flats? Barefoot or flip flops
  • Skirts or jeans? Jeans. Duh.
  • Fresh or saltwater? Fresh, or chlorinated?
  • Skittles or M&Ms? M&Ms all the way
  • are you a morning person or more of a night person? NIGHT PERSON!
  • So, your best friend is talking to a new girl in school... the new girl asks who you are... what do you think your best friend says? "Oh, she's just the most awesome person in school. And I just HAPPEN to be her best friend."
  • Gotta tic? ya know, biting your nails, scrunching your nose, etc?  Probably biting my nails, but my besties would say otherwise. ;)
  • Pen or pencil? Pen
  • Paper or plastic? Paper. I am NOT a tree hugger.
Who ever said said being popular was fun?? I think I'll start a new group...or something!! Unpops. WHOS WITH ME?! lol
Peace! Carly

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

You Should Read This

Hello my lovely readers! :D I had a most productive weekend, with Mother’s Day and all. Saturday morning I made mom breakfast (so we wouldn’t be in a mad rush on Sunday morning), and then went to my Grandma Mona’s house to sleep over. We made the best Stromboli you ever did see. We also watched Red, and Morning Glory.

Who SOME people said looked “dumb”, but it was SO CUTE! I suggest this movie for everyone! Ahem, I mean for those over thirteen years old….We also went shopping at this cute little place in Tunkhannock called Jennifer L. It was super cute with vintage/old cute stuff. My grandma bought a little table. Then we went to the Old New Book place across from Fitze’s, where I found the most epic, most amazing mother’s day present. You’ll never guess. Go on and give it a try. Ok, give up now. It was:

That’s right. I rule as the world’s most awesome daughter. My mom’s been wanting this since ,oh forever! After this, we went to the flower tent where I got flowers for mommys number 2 and 3. ;D

On to more fun things… I received these amazing awards from my BFFs Natalia and Hope! Thanks kiddos! Here’s Hope’s blog, it’s super awesome so check it out!
For the Stylish blogger award, I am to award this to eight people, and write eight thoughts of randomness about me. Here goes:
1.       I love, love, LOVE it when the lights go off in a storm. (Tip to future husband: I dig candlelight)
2.       A big pet peeve I have is kids who are rude to their parents in front of other people.
3.       I eat my oreos by separating them first and eating each layer. The next oreo I eat all together. Milk is mandatory.
4.       I show cows. When I tell this to people, they try to hide a snicker. Hate that.
5.       I wish I was cool enough to wear vintage stuff.
6.       Skorts are awful and I’ll never make my child wear them.
7.       Food is my life, next to God. Guess this isn’t really a random fact, but that’s ok!
8.       Writing lists is my kind of thing. I’m organized on paper…just not in my room, or desk, or…
1.       Your Name
2.       Karen from
3.       Beth from
4.       Tami from
5.       Mattea from
6.       Ruth from
7.       Alli from
8.       Joelen from

It’s funny, cause most of these cool blogs A) Don’t know me B) Don’t know I follow them C) Have so many followers they don’t care! Lol, but it’s cool. Check them out!!

And the Bloggy Buddy Award goes to….*Drum Roll*
MADDIE!!! From    
Why? Cause I love her! She’s my little chica. And she better post soon! :D
Ok, it’s Wednesday now and I’m finishing this dang post! Luke and I went with Mrs. Johnson yesterday to get Luke’s graduation pictures done. I have some nice ones on my camera but I don’t want to ruin the surprise! It was a crazy day. This weekend I’m making desserts for 70 people, babysitting, and possibly going to Kanoble’s. I will have TONS to tell you after this weekend!!!! Actually I’m posting on Monday with a theme thanks to a new collaborate blog group I’m joining, yay! This post is getting kind of long, so I’m gonna go now.
PEACE! Carly

p.s. To whoever was putting my posts as dull: HA! :P
p.s.s. Random pics for you.
Terrific pic for Natalia.  
Awful Picture, I have no idea what happened.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Gooood Mooorning, Folks! Welcome to WWW.DAIRYQUEENCARLY.BLOGSPOT.COM! Oops, that's a link which is kind of dumb since your here already..... ;)

What an awesome week! A few main recaps....
  • Last Monday (was it really that long ago?!) I went to a Spanish party with the Spanish class I'm taking. The food was great, and I made my first dulce de leches cake.We couldn't stay too long because then I went to my Aunt Summer's house to help with the kids and ended up staying till about 12:30 the next day.
  • Last Wednesday, CLEAR came over to my house and it so much fun! We played some basketball, hung out, and ate food. :D
  • Last Friday, Small Groups! It was just me, Em, and Casey so we got to watch some movies and eat food!
  • Sometime in these last two weeks, Emma lost her two front teeth. I actually I think it was Saturday...when I went to the Chinese Buffet!!! Best. Place. Ever.
  • Sunday, some people came over that Luke invited to go trap shooting which is hard but fun. We had dinner, talked about "lions", told some funny stories, watched a movie, and I spit chip on a boy (so embarrassing, unless he's like your brother, will tell story later). I also chilled with my bffs THERESA and KARA. That better T?
  • Yesterday we had Connect at the church. And although not many came, it was a blast.
Today my sister and mom are at the Philharmonic homeschool thing so they'll be gone all day. Again. Which means I don't have my camera to show you my pics!
I was trying to play Jurassic Park with Emma. The last helicopter left, so we had tea with Barney. Then we shot him. While we were thinking to hide his body behind the couch or under the table, Emma put on her redneck eye patch which blew the mood. Her eye patch was specially made, haha. Mother T-we'll have it ready for ya :D

I WON A GIVEAWAY!!!!! I'm sooo siked. To see my name appear somewhere else besides this blog, click here:

Peace Out! Carly
p.s. As I'm reading this post again, I realize I "eat food" in almost every caption. Lol...