Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I hate cars.

After almost 18 hours of car-riding. I HATE CARS!
So anyway, let's have a recap of the last two days, shall we?
Tuesday: Wake up. go to creation museum. eat. walk in gardens. go to hotel. swim. go to humongo store. eat. sleep.
Wednesday: Wake up at 6 in the morning. get in car. sleep. drive. stop at rest area. sleep. drive. listen to mp3. drive. drive. drive. sleep. rest area. wake up. MADISON! Hang with Em while Luke and the parents go to expo. mom comes back. take shower. write on blog.

So obviously this is just a recap. Maybe I'll elaborate a little. The museum on the second day was cool. Got some school done and saw some really neat shows. The gardens were amazing!! My favorite part of the day, though? The huge store!! It was amazing. There were SO MANY free samples!!!!! Other than that, there were huge salad bars, soup bars, grilling station, and even a salsa bar and greek bar. YUM.
Wednesday-not much we did. But now I should probably get some shut eye so nighty night.

Monday, September 27, 2010

What state are we in again?

Howdy strangers! Haven't posted in a while...too busy!
So now we're in Kentucky (which I just found out). Went to the Creation Museum today, and it was amazing!! We plan to go there tomorrow, but I'll probably be hanging out in the cafe to do some work. We covered lots of things in the museum like dinosaurs (Em's fave!), a planatarium (My fave, got a 30 min. nap in! accidental of course.), and other things like that. For lunch we went to "Noah's Cafe" where I got a Caesar Chicken Salad (yumO), and the rest of my family got chili, baked potato, pizza sticks, etc. All was delicious (and well priced!). I also discovered a neat little coffee/drink place which I'll definitely be trying out tomorrow. School in the cafe includes some english and history, then seeing a few of the shows with the family.
Hotel we're staying at is GORGEOUS! Not only is there an indoor pool, but FREE COOKIES! I'm in heaven of course...We have a suite that is sweet! nighty night don't let the bed bugs bite. Carly

Friday, September 24, 2010


My family started reading Daniel after dinnertime. Verse 17 really spoke to me the most. It says "As for these four youths, God gave them learning and skill in all literature and wisdom, and Daniel had understanding in all cisions and dreams."
I guess it humbles my heart. Like, it reminded me that God gave me my cows, the ability to show, and everything else. God gave them learning and skill, so that Daniel had understanding. Hmm...

So I got two good books at the library for our trip (1,000 hours, 3 kids, 1 crammed car, eek!). ttfn

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The envelope, please...

The results are in for the 2010 Jr. All-American show! haha. So I got 3rd place, and best bred and owned. Which is the best I've ever done. It was fun, and now we're all tired. Just think, in one week we'll be in Wisconsin! We're leaving on Sunday, and going for a week. We'll visit the Creation Museum and the World Dairy Expo to name a few stops. Hopefully, I'll be able to take the laptop with us to watch movies, post on my blog, and not get bored. That's all for now, because I really should go mow the lawn :-)

Saturday, September 18, 2010


So, the results are: Luke got 2nd and 3rd which is good for a state 4-H show. And I got 1st, 1st, 4th, and Grand Champion of the Red and Whites. It was a crazy day! Now we don't know if we're going to the jr. all-American show or not (which is on Monday).

*YAWN* very tired. Luke's sleeping in the chair next to me, and the rest of the family is eating while we watch the 2 cows. Luke is showing one tomarrow at the Showmanship contest. Showmanship is how the person controling the animal is doing. Like if they're switching their feet, and making the animal look good. Get it? Or am I rambling nothingness to strangers? haha, more later.

Friday, September 17, 2010


Hey, guys! Guess where I am? The State 4-h show!! Yes, after only 2 hours of figuring how to connect to the free wi-fi, I am here! My friend, Amanda is incredible with computers...and cows. Well, tomarrow's the show and I'll post how Luke and I do. Sooo not nervous, haha yeah right.

back to the cows for now, Carly

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Ok, for those of you who took my poll: WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!?! Holsteins are obviously the best breed ever!! And who in the world voted "turkey"? lol
So, I'm planning another one of my famous dinner parties for the ladies of our Small Groups. I've got my meal planned out, my invites ready to send, and my to do list made. All I have to do is send them in one week. Are you excited? I should think so. After the party, I'll post the menu and some pics.

So this weekend we have states. It's where we show our cows at the state 4-H show. My brother, dad, uncle, and cousin are all going down on Thursday to save our spots and set up. I'm going down on Friday (thank goodness) and we're staying in a hotel!! Which is alot better than staying in a dinky little camper for a week. Last year we stayed for the All-American, this year we probably won't unless we do really good at states. It's all up in the air. Did you guys understand any of that? It's cow stuff, ya know?

Well, that's all for today cause my fingers are starting to hurt. haha jk
l8tr g8trs, Carly

Monday, September 13, 2010

DQs, BKs, and The Future

#1-My friend's (the brilliant person who helped me set up this blog) father, had his first job at DQ!! What a coincidence :D

#2-BKs. Could stand for...Big Kangaroos. Or Beastly Koreans. But what does everyone know this famous abbreviation for? Burger King. The greasy fast-food restaurant. You know, the one who copies McDonald's every sales pitch? Before you know it, they'll come out with lattes. However, they do have better fries than MickeyD's. No offense McDonald's!!

#3-The Future.
College. Marriage. Babies. 123, right? WRONG!
For example, Luke is right now sending out applications to colleges. Let's just say that I Do Not anticipate this step in finding the perfect college.
Anyhoo, what do I want to be when I grow up? The famous question you will be asked until your too old, and people start asking "Where do you go to college?". Well, throughout my childhood I have had a number of responses to this question. To name a few...baker, chef, pro basketball player, ballerina, teacher, artist, cowgirl, writer, photographer, etc. etc. etc. But the two things that are still my passion today are cooking and english/writing. So I'm thinking I'll go for Culinary Arts and/or Secondary English teaching. Hmmm, decisions, decisions. And only one more year to decide!!! EEK!
ttfn, and God bless, Carly

Sunday, September 12, 2010


So tired. Stayed up too late at the LESLE'S!! :)
No cow stories/experiences today, well never on Sunday's...
Take my poll! Comment! Follow!
ttyl, Carly

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Hello, and welcome to Dairy Queen. No, not the ice cream store with the mouth-watering goodies (which I've never tasted btw). My name is Carly, and these are my tales of life on a dairy farm...

So, when you see the cows in the fields they look sparkling clean right? Are they really? NO. They are filthy. And guess who has to clean those cows? Yup, that's right, me the Dairy Queen. PAUSE

My best friend just notified me that her "pop-pop" used to own several DQs!!! Lets have an interview, shall we?

Me: Marissa, what was your pop-pop's job for the DQs?
Marissa: He owned them and ran them.
Me: Thank you captain obvious.
Marissa: Love you too, buddy!
Me: What is your pop-pop's favorite kind of ice cream?
Marissa: I have no clue, but my grandmother buys him....chocolate...sumthin....chocolate tin roof??
Me: That is so sad.
Marissa: Alright Carly, what's your grandfather's favorite ice cream?
Me: Actually, it's black raspberry. I know cause I'm a gooood granddaughter.
Marissa: Well.

That's enough of that. Anyhoo, the Dairy Queen of Northeast PA actually has to wash cows today after she is done having fun at her friend's house. And it stinks.
Well, ttyl, Carly