Monday, September 13, 2010

DQs, BKs, and The Future

#1-My friend's (the brilliant person who helped me set up this blog) father, had his first job at DQ!! What a coincidence :D

#2-BKs. Could stand for...Big Kangaroos. Or Beastly Koreans. But what does everyone know this famous abbreviation for? Burger King. The greasy fast-food restaurant. You know, the one who copies McDonald's every sales pitch? Before you know it, they'll come out with lattes. However, they do have better fries than MickeyD's. No offense McDonald's!!

#3-The Future.
College. Marriage. Babies. 123, right? WRONG!
For example, Luke is right now sending out applications to colleges. Let's just say that I Do Not anticipate this step in finding the perfect college.
Anyhoo, what do I want to be when I grow up? The famous question you will be asked until your too old, and people start asking "Where do you go to college?". Well, throughout my childhood I have had a number of responses to this question. To name a few...baker, chef, pro basketball player, ballerina, teacher, artist, cowgirl, writer, photographer, etc. etc. etc. But the two things that are still my passion today are cooking and english/writing. So I'm thinking I'll go for Culinary Arts and/or Secondary English teaching. Hmmm, decisions, decisions. And only one more year to decide!!! EEK!
ttfn, and God bless, Carly


  1. That was... fun to read. Nice to know that I am considered "brilliant" I love your posts, you are so hilarious! I can already picture you being a feature blogger, and then you can tell everyone about the brilliant person who helped you set up this blog! LOL :-)

    TTYL, Natalia
