Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What a Week...

Well, kids, it's one heck of a week. As most of ya'll know-my parents are in...MEXICO! Where the sun is shining and it's 85 degrees; totally opposite of the wintery school-closing Pennsylvania. So us children have been staying at both grandparents house. On Saturday-Tuesday we stayed at my Grandma Mona's house. We had fun, went to Cabela's, made pear upside down cake, and watched movies. On Sunday, we had Dairy Quiz Bowl practice, which was actually kind of fun since I knew questions...Haha!
Now I'm at my Grandma Alice's house. We made ice cream yesterday, and we just finished watching Hannah Montanna: The Movie.

Exciting this weekend, I am going to my first ever Jr. Holstein PA Convention. Luke and I leave on Friday morning, and come back Sunday afternoon. There is apparently many different things going on. Tours, food, fun, swimming, sports complex, A DANCE, and most importantly-the PA Quiz Bowl contest. That's right. The contest I've been studying for for months, is finally here. I am sooo nervous, but very excited. That's on Saturday morning, and then for the rest of the day and Sunday, we pretty much chill out and have fun while we wait for the results. There are also many different contests: speech, essay, poster, tri-fold, and many others. I'm mostly excited to see the speech contest; several of my friends entered it...Well, that's all. Guess you won't hear from me till Sunday afternoon. And I'll have RESULTS!! Hopefully good ones.

PEACE! Carly