Thursday, April 7, 2011

A Big Pot of Randomness

Ever wondered why recipes tell you to sprinkle sugar on fruit and then let it sit? This method is called macerating: Sugar molecules pull moisture out of the cut up fruit to produce a lovely natural syrup.

Ok now that I've shared that interesting little tid bit, I'll share some total randomness....

*So I originally had a brand new, hot-off-the-press blog post to share with ya'll. BUT, as i read over it again today I realized that no one passing by this blog would want to hear my recaps of the week or so. Instead I changed it completely. This last week has been....interesting. It's been extremely fun/exciting (which is why I haven't posted!) and also very, depressing? Yeah, that basically sums it up. 

*Last night was CLEAR, and so I made a "Jimmy Carter" dessert. It was pretty good, if I do say so myself. :D
I also got my two favorite magazines yesterday. My Rachel Ray magazine, and my Food Network magazine. There is so many awesome foods and ideas, and I love to spend time reading them. And I don't just read them. I experiment, make notes, and read only a few pages to savor it. Does that make any sense? Haha, I'm such a culi-nerd.

*I babysat on Monday, and I am next Saturday too. Rakin in the bucks....Ha, not really. I'm hopefully going to either make my own dang business or find a job locally. Can't wait!!!

Hope this post isn't too dull. I really try to make it interesting! But it seems kind of boring. Especially when I get no comments :( Ah well. Pictures coming later....

Peace, Carly


  1. hey carl! my blog has a new url:

    see ya!

  2. Ok, cool!
    Why oh why do I have 4 poll votes...and only ONE comment people?!

  3. Dear Carly,
    I like your blog a lot! Although I can't bee a follower yet, I will continue reading this blog....Good job.
