Sunday, December 26, 2010


ok, here are the words of last post, and then I'll update a bit. Sorry I haven't posted!! :D

DISH: This new thing I kinda thought of. Like dinners that I make for people. Just throwin out some ideas for a job. My goal is to earn money by the end of January. I make money now, obviously, but I want an actual job. You know? Hillside said they might be interested in having me make some small dinner parties-only ten and under. More than ten people would be a little hectic.
Polls: Need some ideas!! Anyone have ideas for new polls? I would totally use them.
Marissa Madden: Ya, this one was pretty random. Just a special shout out to my buddy. This is our last Christmas before COLLEGE!! What will I do without you????
Report Of The Week: Finished school! YAY! No CLEAR, which made me sad. And today is the dat after Christmas. haha

Did I mention we had our Christmas program Sunday? It was awesome. We had enough food (surprisingly), I messed up my lines (NERVES), and had a little momement ;)
Casey I'm writing about about you.
La de da.
Oh, right. So Christmas. Christmas was awesome! I got money for clothes and shoes, which is what I mainly wanted. Other than that, some crazy socks, Taylor Swift CD, and other stuff. I didn't really want anything big this year. Except Facebook (not gonna happen!). My favorite gift, though, was the birth of Jesus. We just watched The Nativity. Such a good movie. It really shows you what it might have been like for Mary.

Well, that's all for now cause I'm trying to talk to Maddens, listen to music, and type this.
PEACE! Carly


  1. I left a really long comment, and it didn't get published! So, Merry Mismas, as Ava would say.

  2. hahahahha..... i didn't know that you were typing a new post while we were talking to you! LOL...i was wondering what you were typing...

  3. LOL!!!!!! i just read your "quote of the week"...... nice poem carl......LOL!!!
