Sunday, January 2, 2011

Since You've Been Gone

Wow, so much has happened since I last post-which was last year!! lol. This week flew by. School tomorrow-NOOOOO!!

Okay, so on Monday I hung out with the Maddens from a last minute sleepover on Sunday. We got to sleep in (for once!), had waffles, watched movies, and made movies! I got Em these machine gun things that make shooting noises when you pull the trigger, which we had a lot of fun with in our videos. :D That night after they left we went to my Aunt Betsy's house for a little present exchange and dinner with their family. Everything was delicious, and everyone loved their gifts! I got a 2-year subscription to Food Network Magazine-which is SO me!! I read the December issue twice already, and I just got the January one in the mail. Oh, and I also got the new Rachel Ray magazine that my mom gave me for Christmas. Love that magazine too!! We got home at 11.
Tuesday we hung out all day doing nothing. My mom and I watched a movie, and I made a hash for lunch. At night, we had a 4-H party at Mark's Valley View Restaurant. The parents of some kids in our group own it, so they made us a huge buffet, drinks, and dessert for free! So yum.
Wednesday...hmmm, what did I do that day? Oh yeah, I went on the ultimate shopping trip. Here's the deal-we arrive at Burlington Coat Factory (the awesomest place ever, plus I had a gift card) at about 11:30. We ended up staying till 2. Here's what I got: skinny jeans ($6, amazing right?), 3 cute tops, dress, black heels, jeans, and black dress pants. All at EXTREMELY low prices. Sweetness.
We also went to JcPennay's, and my mom said to look around while she looked for purses. She came back to find me watching Giada on the Food Network on this huge TV by the fitting rooms of all places. Whoops.  
Thursday I chilled for a while. I set my grandma's hair, and had a piano lesson. Then I ended up going to the Madden's at 3 till about 4:30, to go to the Johnson's for a sleepover with the Maddens, Danielle, Annie, and I. Yes, I skipped Dairy Quiz Bowl practice... :p
On Friday, I stayed home for a little bit and then headed up to the Hails to help them move after I got home from the sleepover. It was pretty fun! Haha. We rang in the New Year, and went to bed. We had planned a fancy meal with steak and stuff, but we kind of dropped everything to help the Hails, which was fine with me! I'm not a big New Year's Eve person anyways.
Saturday, went to the Hails again after watching The Tooth Fairy. Funny movie. We got home at almost 10, because Mrs. Hails invited us to dinner. It was fun!!!
Now it's Sunday, and I'm chillin. My brother went to help the Hails again (he went all weekend all day), but we decided to stay home and rest because it's Sunday. Ok, time to go watch another movie. We already watched The Sorcerer's Apprentice, which was really good. Tomorrow's school! NO!!!!

I know this was just another recap of my week, but maybe I'll have time this week to talk and not recap! Haha.

Peace! Carly
p.s. I almost forgot-the title of this post was slightly random, but I guess it came to me after I was thinking how sad it was that Christmas and New Year's is over. I'm not supposed to dwell on these thoughts, though. :D

1 comment:

  1. the cbox say i am banned from it ): i am going to cry

