Friday, June 10, 2011


It is officially summer. The pool is open, the weeding is done (yuck), the bubbles have been blown, sleepovers have started, the sun has tanned, and most importantly the school is over. I have lots of time now to write blog posts, well not really. Now starts the time to wash cows, walk them, clip them, etc. And who wants to be inside on a beautiful day anyways?? I try to post when I'm bored, have nothing to do, or it's raining. Right now, it's at the end of small groups and Mr. Madden and Emma are having a very detailed conversation. They go back and forth, with Emma trying to explain things and Mr.M questioning her. It's hilarious really, I just can't explain it well.

Things I've Done Lately That I Don't Want To Write Tons About
1)Luke and Marissa's Graduation. It was amazing, and I cried. They did an absolutely amazing job.
2)School is over. We had evaluations, which make me feel sick to my stomach every time which is so silly.
3)The pool is open. It's clear and cool. I've gone swimming about 5 times already. I hope to go almost everyday.
4)Carema. A playhouse Emma and I are building. Currently, there is only one side painted white. It's a a small little building that used to serve as our chicken coop. After we paint the whole thing, I'm going to make a flower bed outlined with rocks, and an herb garden. It's going to be so cute! Hopefully I can at least get the outside done before Face To Face (a church picnic at our house). The inside: rainbow stripes with our handprints lining a strip along the wall. The inside top: blue with white clouds. With a mini fridge, stereo, couch, etc. It's so much fun having a project to do for the summer. I'm such a garden person, who knew?
5)Planning. Two things-VBS and my Sweet 16. Both take a LOT of planning (that I love), and money and time. Can't wait!!

That's all for now! Hopefully next time I can post a little sooner so I can cover more. Oh! I might have a part time job this summer along with everything else....
Peace! Carly

p.s. Check the most awesomest blog ever

Friday, June 3, 2011

Sorry everyone, but I'm not going to be able to post for a bit longer. Maybe Sunday. Summer is here-and it's crazy busy! To keep you entertained in the meantime, here's a little something. It reminds me of my once chicks, now CHICKENS! They're huMONGous. See you...maybe Sunday.

Peace! Carly

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Purple Blog Party

Where to start??
Prom. Yeah, I'll definitely start with that. My brother and my best friend went together, and supposedly had a blast! :D Not going to go in tons of detail, but I'm totally going next year.
Sunday Awesomeness. After church, the Sills (sweetest people ever from church), the Maddens, and the Sherwoods went to the Chinese Buffet in town. Which as you know, is my favorite place to eat. Then, my besties and I went fishing where we caught eight fish. Sounds small but we only went for an hour or so! Then we went to see the movie Soul Surfer with the family. It was really good, I thought. Good story, good moral, overall cute movie.

Yesterday we had CLEAR, and it was tons of fun. We played some sports, games, ate food, etc. Today I had Spanish and mom and Emma went to the Leslie's to meet with people and do...stuff. I opted out because I have things to do :P
Now I'm bored and trying real hard to come up a super topic to post about. Ok, here goes a list for a super cool blog party at My Mismatched Life.
  • Favorite thing about summer? The sun!
  • Twilight fan? NO
  • Favorite quote? Last night I lay in bed looking at the stars, and I thought to myself where the heck is the ceiling?
  • Best thing that has ever happened to you? When Christ became my Savior!
  • Think of every place in the world possible... which of those places would you go to? Ah, Rome, Italy, Venice, France, etc etc etc
  • Favorite food? Spaghetti and Meatballs :P
  • What type of music do you like? Country, and Christian Rap
  • Flipflops, bare feet, heels, or flats? Barefoot or flip flops
  • Skirts or jeans? Jeans. Duh.
  • Fresh or saltwater? Fresh, or chlorinated?
  • Skittles or M&Ms? M&Ms all the way
  • are you a morning person or more of a night person? NIGHT PERSON!
  • So, your best friend is talking to a new girl in school... the new girl asks who you are... what do you think your best friend says? "Oh, she's just the most awesome person in school. And I just HAPPEN to be her best friend."
  • Gotta tic? ya know, biting your nails, scrunching your nose, etc?  Probably biting my nails, but my besties would say otherwise. ;)
  • Pen or pencil? Pen
  • Paper or plastic? Paper. I am NOT a tree hugger.
Who ever said said being popular was fun?? I think I'll start a new group...or something!! Unpops. WHOS WITH ME?! lol
Peace! Carly

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

You Should Read This

Hello my lovely readers! :D I had a most productive weekend, with Mother’s Day and all. Saturday morning I made mom breakfast (so we wouldn’t be in a mad rush on Sunday morning), and then went to my Grandma Mona’s house to sleep over. We made the best Stromboli you ever did see. We also watched Red, and Morning Glory.

Who SOME people said looked “dumb”, but it was SO CUTE! I suggest this movie for everyone! Ahem, I mean for those over thirteen years old….We also went shopping at this cute little place in Tunkhannock called Jennifer L. It was super cute with vintage/old cute stuff. My grandma bought a little table. Then we went to the Old New Book place across from Fitze’s, where I found the most epic, most amazing mother’s day present. You’ll never guess. Go on and give it a try. Ok, give up now. It was:

That’s right. I rule as the world’s most awesome daughter. My mom’s been wanting this since ,oh forever! After this, we went to the flower tent where I got flowers for mommys number 2 and 3. ;D

On to more fun things… I received these amazing awards from my BFFs Natalia and Hope! Thanks kiddos! Here’s Hope’s blog, it’s super awesome so check it out!
For the Stylish blogger award, I am to award this to eight people, and write eight thoughts of randomness about me. Here goes:
1.       I love, love, LOVE it when the lights go off in a storm. (Tip to future husband: I dig candlelight)
2.       A big pet peeve I have is kids who are rude to their parents in front of other people.
3.       I eat my oreos by separating them first and eating each layer. The next oreo I eat all together. Milk is mandatory.
4.       I show cows. When I tell this to people, they try to hide a snicker. Hate that.
5.       I wish I was cool enough to wear vintage stuff.
6.       Skorts are awful and I’ll never make my child wear them.
7.       Food is my life, next to God. Guess this isn’t really a random fact, but that’s ok!
8.       Writing lists is my kind of thing. I’m organized on paper…just not in my room, or desk, or…
1.       Your Name
2.       Karen from
3.       Beth from
4.       Tami from
5.       Mattea from
6.       Ruth from
7.       Alli from
8.       Joelen from

It’s funny, cause most of these cool blogs A) Don’t know me B) Don’t know I follow them C) Have so many followers they don’t care! Lol, but it’s cool. Check them out!!

And the Bloggy Buddy Award goes to….*Drum Roll*
MADDIE!!! From    
Why? Cause I love her! She’s my little chica. And she better post soon! :D
Ok, it’s Wednesday now and I’m finishing this dang post! Luke and I went with Mrs. Johnson yesterday to get Luke’s graduation pictures done. I have some nice ones on my camera but I don’t want to ruin the surprise! It was a crazy day. This weekend I’m making desserts for 70 people, babysitting, and possibly going to Kanoble’s. I will have TONS to tell you after this weekend!!!! Actually I’m posting on Monday with a theme thanks to a new collaborate blog group I’m joining, yay! This post is getting kind of long, so I’m gonna go now.
PEACE! Carly

p.s. To whoever was putting my posts as dull: HA! :P
p.s.s. Random pics for you.
Terrific pic for Natalia.  
Awful Picture, I have no idea what happened.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Gooood Mooorning, Folks! Welcome to WWW.DAIRYQUEENCARLY.BLOGSPOT.COM! Oops, that's a link which is kind of dumb since your here already..... ;)

What an awesome week! A few main recaps....
  • Last Monday (was it really that long ago?!) I went to a Spanish party with the Spanish class I'm taking. The food was great, and I made my first dulce de leches cake.We couldn't stay too long because then I went to my Aunt Summer's house to help with the kids and ended up staying till about 12:30 the next day.
  • Last Wednesday, CLEAR came over to my house and it so much fun! We played some basketball, hung out, and ate food. :D
  • Last Friday, Small Groups! It was just me, Em, and Casey so we got to watch some movies and eat food!
  • Sometime in these last two weeks, Emma lost her two front teeth. I actually I think it was Saturday...when I went to the Chinese Buffet!!! Best. Place. Ever.
  • Sunday, some people came over that Luke invited to go trap shooting which is hard but fun. We had dinner, talked about "lions", told some funny stories, watched a movie, and I spit chip on a boy (so embarrassing, unless he's like your brother, will tell story later). I also chilled with my bffs THERESA and KARA. That better T?
  • Yesterday we had Connect at the church. And although not many came, it was a blast.
Today my sister and mom are at the Philharmonic homeschool thing so they'll be gone all day. Again. Which means I don't have my camera to show you my pics!
I was trying to play Jurassic Park with Emma. The last helicopter left, so we had tea with Barney. Then we shot him. While we were thinking to hide his body behind the couch or under the table, Emma put on her redneck eye patch which blew the mood. Her eye patch was specially made, haha. Mother T-we'll have it ready for ya :D

I WON A GIVEAWAY!!!!! I'm sooo siked. To see my name appear somewhere else besides this blog, click here:

Peace Out! Carly
p.s. As I'm reading this post again, I realize I "eat food" in almost every caption. Lol...

Monday, April 25, 2011


Who is feeling so totally STUFFED? I know I am. Those 8 pounds I lost in the last few weeks? Yeah, they're probably back. Blah. On the plus side, Easter! My weekend was great, I think. On Friday my family all chilled out then we went to an awesome service at our church. Afterwords, we went to Micky D's where my family, the Maddens, the Hails, and the Sills hung out hour and a half or so? Boy, was it fun. The whole time I was laughing so hard. From Luke's and Jake's "bromance" to stale fries, to well-earned dollars, and creeping out, it was such a blast. Who knew the calorie packed fast food chain could have been so much fun?!
Saturday, I worked for a while and my family painted eggs. Later my dad and I went to look to see if there was any baby beefers. Just a stroll in the pasture, right? Wrong. We ended up finding 5 babies, and then we had to rodeo them, Haha. They're so adorable and tiny. At night the rents and I watched a really good movie!  I can't remember the title, but it was really cute. Ate some candy out of my Easter basket-Yum. This year we got our baskets the night before which is a lot easier. My parents basically crushed my childhood in one day by giving Em all these clues like they used to do to Luke and I and telling me "Oh, yeah. Yours is behind the bed". Really?? I want to be a kid again..... Poem about going back to childhood.
When I see birches bend to left and right
Across the lines of straighter darker trees,
I like to think some boy’s been swinging them.
I’d like to go by climbing a birch tree,
And climb black branches up a snow-white trunk 55
Toward heaven, till the tree could bear no more,
But dipped its top and set me down again.
That would be good both going and coming back.
One could do worse than be a swinger of birches.
This song is so beautiful. We sang it at our church service. The worship team couldn't have picked a better song, Amen! If your not in my church, please take the time to listen and read the lyrics!

Peace! Carly

P.S. Hey, if you want to share this blog on Facebook that's cool with me! I think I'll have Grandma Mona post the link to get my family in CA to look at it, Haha.
P.S.S As soon as I get my camera back, I'll post some sweet pics for ya'll.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Who invented the peanut butter smidgens? Probably Gertrude.  Seriously, the things are glorious. Especially the cow ones, which are close to my heart...<3 How do you eat the smidgen? I start at the back, and make even bites of peanut butter luciousness, while licking after each bite for maximum peanut butteriness. Then I save the head and laugh at how it looks nothing like a real cow's head and swallow it. How violent!! Ha-ha.
Thanks Mr.M! :D

Other news on the farm: we have new baby beefers left and right! So far, only one mama has died :( The baby we had to find, it took my dad and I a few hours to find it. Get this-a mama teaches its baby to lie perfectly still to look like it is dead. So of course when we finally found it, I thought it was dead. But my dad told me to put the halter around it's head, hold on, and see what happened. As soon as I put it on, it jumped up and started running away and blatting and kicking like crazy!! I was so shocked, I almost let go. So next time you see a baby cow/beefer lying perfectly still, looking dead, think twice. However, now that I'm thinking about it....will probably never happen unless you live on a farm. Ah well.

This will probably be my last time posting. Before Easter that is. We're going to a service tomorrow night, then we always go to my one grandma's house for lunch and another for dinner on Easter. By the time we're done, you can only imagine how full I'm feeling.

Peace, Praise the Lord, Hosanna, Cheers.....Carly

P.S. oops one more thing. Some incredibly hilarious little tid bits from my fun friend Natalia.
"I love you with all my butt. I'd love you with all my heart, but my butt's bigger"
a picture of a chicken saying "I dream of a better tomorrow... where chickens can cross roads and not have their motives questioned" 

She didn't write these, but still. They're so funny, thanks N! her blog:

Monday, April 18, 2011

This week, I made peanut butter chocolate cupcakes, had a mega sleepover, went to a Sight and Sound with friends, babysat my cousins with the lovely Casey M, and ate a ton of food on Sunday. Great recap, eh?

We have a new addition to our family!! No, my mother is not pregnant/having a baby in any way. We got twenty baby chicks! Goodness they're so cute and fluffy. My father names them "Chicken Wing, Chicken Pizza, Chicken Soup", etc...But I name them: Sleepy, Fluffy, Lazy, Feather Brain, etc. Feather Brain is probably my favorite. All the other chicks run away when someone puts their hand in the tub. But he just stands there like "uh, der. Whattya doin guys?" Seriously. I can practically hear him saying it.

Today is going to be lots of fun! My mom and I are going to her chiropractor appointment (not fun), then shopping (that's grocery shopping, not fun), going to see my BFFs the Leslie's (very fun), going to McDonald's (very fun and rare), going to see the movie Pastry Kings (Awesome), and going to a Pampered Chef party (Awesomeness). What a day!

Now, I really have to get my school done. Better post later...:D

Thursday, April 7, 2011

A Big Pot of Randomness

Ever wondered why recipes tell you to sprinkle sugar on fruit and then let it sit? This method is called macerating: Sugar molecules pull moisture out of the cut up fruit to produce a lovely natural syrup.

Ok now that I've shared that interesting little tid bit, I'll share some total randomness....

*So I originally had a brand new, hot-off-the-press blog post to share with ya'll. BUT, as i read over it again today I realized that no one passing by this blog would want to hear my recaps of the week or so. Instead I changed it completely. This last week has been....interesting. It's been extremely fun/exciting (which is why I haven't posted!) and also very, depressing? Yeah, that basically sums it up. 

*Last night was CLEAR, and so I made a "Jimmy Carter" dessert. It was pretty good, if I do say so myself. :D
I also got my two favorite magazines yesterday. My Rachel Ray magazine, and my Food Network magazine. There is so many awesome foods and ideas, and I love to spend time reading them. And I don't just read them. I experiment, make notes, and read only a few pages to savor it. Does that make any sense? Haha, I'm such a culi-nerd.

*I babysat on Monday, and I am next Saturday too. Rakin in the bucks....Ha, not really. I'm hopefully going to either make my own dang business or find a job locally. Can't wait!!!

Hope this post isn't too dull. I really try to make it interesting! But it seems kind of boring. Especially when I get no comments :( Ah well. Pictures coming later....

Peace, Carly

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My Brain Has Left

Dear Brain,
                Why have you shut down? Did I do something to offend you? Please come back, I really could use your assistance.
                Love, Me

Tis true, he left me. Or she. Wait a second, brains don’t have genders! Or do they…?
ANYHOO, today I wrote an essay on Reality Television. As most of you know, I adore essays, especially when I’m writing them to practice for the SATs. Woah, that last sentence totally made me sound like a smart brainy kind of girl! This is a *LIE*. I am not “brainy” by any means, I just happen to enjoy writing. I do like to pride myself though, of being a straight B’s student with the occasional A thrown in. This said essay, actually came out pretty good after some research, and taught me a lot. Basically there are two sides. Either you love reality T.V. or you hate it. There is no middle. Except for me!! I mean, I hate most of the dumb things they put on T.V, especially reality T.V. But I am known to be a big fan of Survivor, The Amazing Race, Top Chef, and even The Apprentice. Am I a bad person? I shall answer this no. But why is my gut feeling so guilty….
                Tonight’s CLEAR is at the Johnson’s house for movie night. Hopefully I can go! There’s nothing else really to report here on the farm. Same old, same old. 

Next time on DairyQueenCarly: Popularity.
Peace! Carly
P.S. Another picture that cracked me up. :D Cheers!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Oh, blog. I have forsaken thee!! And my beloved followers/audience. Sorry guys! Here's some random stuff that came to me today....
1-I am so thankful for my friends!! Even when I am all alone at Care Groups, I still Love Them Lots!
2-Everything I do on this blog should glorify God!!
3-I am loving our Sunday School class right now. Everyone with me say "aye!"
4-VBS starts on my birthday this year. Yippee. I'm trying to have a good attitude about this, but it's hard. I've been looking forward to my birthday since...forever. I'm either going to have to have it the week before or week after. Humph.
5-I finally updated my pictures!! This computer is so dang fast. Here are some I've been meaning to show you.

Basically a recap of Girl's Night Out in one picture, haha.
Best. Sleepover. Ever.
This just cracks me up. Like is there really a blind hunter? Or do they just want you to stay off their land??

My dairy quiz bowl team. No Comment :/
Cabela's baby! Woot-Woot!
The Bus. Craziness.
The theme for snow camp. Awesome shirts, btw.
We played hard. I love Theresa's face here. "Woah his veins are a-poppin."

Peace! Carly

Thursday, March 24, 2011


I'd don't really feel like posting right now. I have nothing to write's called writer's block.

Sleepover. Penguins game. Clear. Cupcakes. Job. Fun. McAndrew. Madden. Parent's away. Fun. Contacts.


Friday, March 11, 2011

Thank Goodness It's Friday!

So, two big things happened yesterday. Well, make that three actually. Let's make a list, shall we? I like order...

1)We got a new computer!!! We've been planning and waiting for it forever, and it's here! A guy from our church, Tim, actually made it from various parts and came to set it all up for us. It looks so modern. So...thin. So sleek. I like it, can you tell?

2)Luke, dad, and I helped a cow give birth. Let me explain a little before I get into details. Luke is in a partnership with my grandfather in a red and white holstein cow named Delilah. So this heifer was having one of Luke's cow's embryos. Red cows are really hot in the market now because everyone wants to show them (I totally started this trend). A red heifer can start out being $1,000-$4,000 depending on the quality and pedigree of the calf. So you can imagine everyone's disappointment when this beautiful red heifer came out dead. I was more sad about it dieing then the actually money thing. But it was a blow for my brother.

3)My Uncle Kevin (my mother's sister's husband) went to the ER late last night, and my aunt didn't want to leave the kids. So I went over and spent the night just in case they had to do surgery or something and so she could be with him. It ended up being kidney stones, and he was in a lot of pain but he's feeling a lot better this morning. Ah, my cousins. Little angels they's a picture.
This one's from October so it's a bit old, but it's the only one I have until I upload some more pictures.
Peace! Carly

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

So Much Has Happened....

Oh, wow. Just look at all this snow!
There's a lot. Besides the recent snow storm, I finally have time to tell everyone other news going down on the farm. It all started last Thursday...
Once upon a time, there were three children (who lived on a dairy farm) scrambling around trying to get ready to go to the land of Scranton. A kingdom far, far, away. They had to go to the dentist to get their teeth cleaned; he was a magical dentist. Once there, they waited with their mother for an hour in "Ye Old Waiting Room". After finding that none of them had cavaties (huffah!) the middle child, Carly, was picked up by ye old grandma to go to spanish class. But she missed spanish and ate at Burger Kind instead. She then went to the eye doctore to get her new contacts. Then, expectantly, went skiing with her brother and friends named Russel. Carly came home at 11:30, stayed up to watch a scary film, and fell asleep.
The next day, the three children did some school and worked until 4:00. Then, the yougest child and Carly got ready for Kids Night Out. A grand affair, with the theme being Noah's Ark. They dressed accourdingly.

Since Carly was the game leader, she was very tired by the end of the night. There were games



Cow tipping,

face painting,


a movie, and some weirdos.

Then all the little children went home.
The next day, the two oldest children worked their tail feathers off on the farm.
Finally, it was Sunday. The family went to church and then relaxed and watched some good films. Carly felt social, so she went to the movies with some friends. Carly went home, made dinner, watched some tv, and went to bed.
Monday morning, the family woke up to a snow storm, and hung out. Party for Luke at night.
Now it's Tuesday and my parents took luke out to his favorite restaurant. His birthday is today, which also happens to be National Women's Day. I rag him about it every year, haha.

Have a good day, and please keep the Leslie's and Maddens in prayer. Thanks!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Quick Note

Hey, everyone. Just a quick note to anyone who is reading this. As I now have 4 FOLLOWERS (thank you, Beth) I would encourage Any One to follow this blog. If you follow mine, I'll follow yours ;)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Success...I Think?

Wow, March first. Where has time flown? Flewn? Whatever.
So, overall I think the dinner party was a success! For some hors d'uevres I served coconut shrimp with an apricot dipping sauce, and some avocado mango wraps. Salad course: some caesar salad in a parmesan bowl, and entree, mustard marinated pork with a cherry salsa. Oh, and sides of blue cheese & bacon potatoes duchess and some garlic/lemon flavored green beens. Dessert was a custard shortbread fruit tart. Not to many mistakes, except where I almost dropped an entire tray of shrimp...But it's all good!

Snow camp was also a success! I feel CLEAR as a group got even closer. We had so much fun!

Today I wore around the house (plus spanish class) a beautiful brown headband with a pretty flower on the side. The brown kind of matches my hair, so it looked cute! Thank you Natalia!!!! I also realized today, that although I not known for my girliness, I am going to have to buy a purse. I have never owned a purse. That's right you heard me correctly-Never. Sure, I've had tote bags and backpacks but never a purse! I'm going to have to get one because....I'M GETTING CONTACTS!!! If you know me, then you'll have to wait to see when I'm getting them cause I want y'all to be surprised! So I need this purse to carry around my contacts/glasses. Hmm, might need some fashion experts on this one....Shopping, Natalia? Ha-ha.

It was a beautiful day, and I took a long walk. I thank God so much for this beautiful world. He could have made it all black and white!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Oh, wow. I just invited about ten ladies to come to my house for a dinner party. EEK! I wasn't really thinking about the dinner party, but I knew I wanted to do one. My mom's like "Hey, how about this Monday?". I thought she was crazy cause it's so last minute, but turns out that everyone I've talked to so far can make it! Still working on my menu, must try out some things this week. No, I'm going to tell you the menu yet. But after words, you'll get a full update, menu, and pictures!
Now that I covered that...I can tell everyone how darn excited I am for this weekend!! This weekend is Snow Camp! Clear is going to be chilling together for about 2 1/2 days. We're going tubing, out to eat, walleyball, etc. I can't wait, and hopefully I'll have pics soon! Maybe i'll even make a slideshow out of all my pictures I've been wanting to show you...Isn't that weird how I say you? Like to my audience (if there is one). It's like typing to my best friends. Haha.
Funny thing Emma said this week. First, you have to know how much she hates jeans/putting jeans on after bath when she's slightly wet. I heard her grumbling, so I was listening to see what she was saying...*muttering* "I hate this. Why do I have to do this? List of things I hope to never do. Go to hell, and put jeans on. Especially after I'm wet. Grrr...." Lol! Isn't that funny?
Last night I had walleyball with my 4-H club. It was lots of fun, plus we got to go to perkin's afterwards! Since I had money for once, I challenged the claw of toys and won a cute yankee bear. I am the champion of claws as some of you know, but that's another story entirely. Until next time, chicas.
Peace! Carly

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Ah. Valentine's Day.

Valentine's Day. A day of LOVE, chicas! All though, most of you voted "indifferent" or "don't care"!! *Gasp* I love V-Day so much. I know I'm posting about it the day before, but oh well. What are your Valentine's Day traditions? We hang out together (unless one of has a date...) and my mom makes a uber fancy dinner. Our parents usually give us nice gifts too. You know, some people are bitter about V-Day!! I think all the singles should get together for lunch and partay (wink, wink!)

No recaps for me! Besides, you all know what's happening in my life already. NOTHING! Haha.
My sister is doing tons better (she was sick). Now she's just chilling, and I'm glad it wasn't worse! I'm feeling better, but I still have a cough and one plugged ear. Don't you just hate that feeling?? I do. It's driving me bonkers.
Well, since I don't have much to say and I'm talking to Natalia on the chat right now...I'm going to post about my favorite things about Natalia Leslie. Here they are:

1)Her smiley face
2)Her good attitude
3)Her love/faith for God
4)Her skills (crafts, photography, etc)
5)Taking care of siblings without complaining
6)Her overall AWESOMENESS!!!

Peace! Carly

Sunday, February 6, 2011

The results are in. The Susquehanna Quiz Bowl Team won 4 rounds, and lost 2. There were tears. Smiles. And a whole lotta food. :D
It's true. We had so much fun, I'm surprised we made it even that far (I think everyone was). We actually did better than the senior team who lost twice and won one. But they have a LOT harder questions. Then we celebrated with an amazing dance, and I was a litttle sweaty by the end of the night. Then, we came home just in time to see my friends at church for about half an hour. Now I'm chilling, and watching the game. The Steelers will win-no doubt. And the halftime show was stinking AMAZING!!!!!

Haha, another commercial's coming on, gotta go!
PEACE! Carly

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What a Week...

Well, kids, it's one heck of a week. As most of ya'll know-my parents are in...MEXICO! Where the sun is shining and it's 85 degrees; totally opposite of the wintery school-closing Pennsylvania. So us children have been staying at both grandparents house. On Saturday-Tuesday we stayed at my Grandma Mona's house. We had fun, went to Cabela's, made pear upside down cake, and watched movies. On Sunday, we had Dairy Quiz Bowl practice, which was actually kind of fun since I knew questions...Haha!
Now I'm at my Grandma Alice's house. We made ice cream yesterday, and we just finished watching Hannah Montanna: The Movie.

Exciting this weekend, I am going to my first ever Jr. Holstein PA Convention. Luke and I leave on Friday morning, and come back Sunday afternoon. There is apparently many different things going on. Tours, food, fun, swimming, sports complex, A DANCE, and most importantly-the PA Quiz Bowl contest. That's right. The contest I've been studying for for months, is finally here. I am sooo nervous, but very excited. That's on Saturday morning, and then for the rest of the day and Sunday, we pretty much chill out and have fun while we wait for the results. There are also many different contests: speech, essay, poster, tri-fold, and many others. I'm mostly excited to see the speech contest; several of my friends entered it...Well, that's all. Guess you won't hear from me till Sunday afternoon. And I'll have RESULTS!! Hopefully good ones.

PEACE! Carly