Saturday, September 18, 2010


So, the results are: Luke got 2nd and 3rd which is good for a state 4-H show. And I got 1st, 1st, 4th, and Grand Champion of the Red and Whites. It was a crazy day! Now we don't know if we're going to the jr. all-American show or not (which is on Monday).

*YAWN* very tired. Luke's sleeping in the chair next to me, and the rest of the family is eating while we watch the 2 cows. Luke is showing one tomarrow at the Showmanship contest. Showmanship is how the person controling the animal is doing. Like if they're switching their feet, and making the animal look good. Get it? Or am I rambling nothingness to strangers? haha, more later.


  1. Yes, Good job! You will have to tell me all about it, because you pretty much are rambling nothingness to strangers. Haha! And you can write a new poll, because your old one is over, and no one can vote on it anymore. Go Jerseys!!

    <3 Natalia
