Sunday, November 21, 2010


No new updates, just wanted to get some pictures on here to show you.

My First Corndog

Felicia and Frankie

Frankie standing 3 minutes after birth (the faster they stand up, the stronger they'll be.)

Fun at Roba's

My Best Friend's

Cousins (L-R) Kaden, Aleah, Darian
Halloween! Left to Right-The Bunny (Emma), Alice (Luke), Mad Hatter (Marissa), Queen of Hearts (Me), and Cashmere Cat (Casey).

My first lattice-style pie. Practice makes perfect, right??
Some odd substance coming down our driveway.

Sanjai Leslie being silly at Small Groups.
Marissa, Maddy, and Natalia
Me, getting Outstanding 4-Her. Sorry it's sideways lol. Mom was taking the pictures.
Luke working on our new building.
The meal I made the other day, before mom's surgery.
Luke's new license!! He got it yesterday, and yes it does say temporary. The guy told him they all say that at first.

Luke driving by himself for the first time. My little bro is growin up! :(

 Oh, and my new school pic. Can't have it as a profile pic it bugs me, lol.


  1. I LOVE THESE!!!!!
    I've been meaning to ask.... any luck with the penpal search?

  2. Carly! I love your blog :D Keep the updates coming, I'll be an avid reader!

    p.s. those halloween costumes are AWESOME!! Absolutely awesome.

  3. Wait, did you put an ad on Christian penpals. If that's you... make yourself sound interesting!! and get a pic. if that carly in pa is not you.... put an ad up there! no offense, but seriously, no wonder there's been no luck!

  4. John Boecker!! Thanks, I will :D Halloween was so fun, thanks! haha

    Natalia-i didn't put an ad in yet. lol, ok I definitely will ASAP. :D "Make myself sound interesting"? Like I'm not already. jk :p

  5. wait a second. John-How did you get my blog address????? I don't remember telling anyone...unless Casey blabbed again. hmmm.

  6. umm haha marissa blabbed. on facebook. haha <33
    oh, and i thought you'd all appreciate this:


  7. darn, it didn't work. check the cbox

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. check your email <333
    haha and i am no bloomer

  10. check your email. I should really write another post. Maybe after thanksgiving. Ya, that's what I'll do.
