Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Oh, wow. I just invited about ten ladies to come to my house for a dinner party. EEK! I wasn't really thinking about the dinner party, but I knew I wanted to do one. My mom's like "Hey, how about this Monday?". I thought she was crazy cause it's so last minute, but turns out that everyone I've talked to so far can make it! Still working on my menu, must try out some things this week. No, I'm going to tell you the menu yet. But after words, you'll get a full update, menu, and pictures!
Now that I covered that...I can tell everyone how darn excited I am for this weekend!! This weekend is Snow Camp! Clear is going to be chilling together for about 2 1/2 days. We're going tubing, out to eat, walleyball, etc. I can't wait, and hopefully I'll have pics soon! Maybe i'll even make a slideshow out of all my pictures I've been wanting to show you...Isn't that weird how I say you? Like to my audience (if there is one). It's like typing to my best friends. Haha.
Funny thing Emma said this week. First, you have to know how much she hates jeans/putting jeans on after bath when she's slightly wet. I heard her grumbling, so I was listening to see what she was saying...*muttering* "I hate this. Why do I have to do this? List of things I hope to never do. Go to hell, and put jeans on. Especially after I'm wet. Grrr...." Lol! Isn't that funny?
Last night I had walleyball with my 4-H club. It was lots of fun, plus we got to go to perkin's afterwards! Since I had money for once, I challenged the claw of toys and won a cute yankee bear. I am the champion of claws as some of you know, but that's another story entirely. Until next time, chicas.
Peace! Carly


  1. hahaha...i can totally picture emma saying that..LOL!!

  2. Harry said she is so funny my head is going to blow! LOL
