Tuesday, March 8, 2011

So Much Has Happened....

Oh, wow. Just look at all this snow!
There's a lot. Besides the recent snow storm, I finally have time to tell everyone other news going down on the farm. It all started last Thursday...
Once upon a time, there were three children (who lived on a dairy farm) scrambling around trying to get ready to go to the land of Scranton. A kingdom far, far, away. They had to go to the dentist to get their teeth cleaned; he was a magical dentist. Once there, they waited with their mother for an hour in "Ye Old Waiting Room". After finding that none of them had cavaties (huffah!) the middle child, Carly, was picked up by ye old grandma to go to spanish class. But she missed spanish and ate at Burger Kind instead. She then went to the eye doctore to get her new contacts. Then, expectantly, went skiing with her brother and friends named Russel. Carly came home at 11:30, stayed up to watch a scary film, and fell asleep.
The next day, the three children did some school and worked until 4:00. Then, the yougest child and Carly got ready for Kids Night Out. A grand affair, with the theme being Noah's Ark. They dressed accourdingly.

Since Carly was the game leader, she was very tired by the end of the night. There were games



Cow tipping,

face painting,


a movie, and some weirdos.

Then all the little children went home.
The next day, the two oldest children worked their tail feathers off on the farm.
Finally, it was Sunday. The family went to church and then relaxed and watched some good films. Carly felt social, so she went to the movies with some friends. Carly went home, made dinner, watched some tv, and went to bed.
Monday morning, the family woke up to a snow storm, and hung out. Party for Luke at night.
Now it's Tuesday and my parents took luke out to his favorite restaurant. His birthday is today, which also happens to be National Women's Day. I rag him about it every year, haha.

Have a good day, and please keep the Leslie's and Maddens in prayer. Thanks!


  1. Carly, You are just too funny! I love the way you write. I have a 14, almost 15 year old daughter, homeschooled as well, who loves to write funny things too. Excellent blog!!!

  2. Thank you! I also love your blog!! :D
